Welcome to the Diary

Looking to see the impact your love letters are making? You can find it here! We keep this space stocked with all the updates, encouragement + good news happening in our community! Be sure to bookmark this page and come back and visit us whenever you need a little boost!

Sitting with Sadness.

Several years ago I experienced the most pain I’d ever endured in my life. The kind of pain that envelops you, holds you just under the water while you gasp for air. It wasn’t a single incident, rather a series of events over the course of several years. My world felt like it had crashed in around me, and I knew my heart would never be the same.

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Personal Growth Personal Growth

How and Why to Learn a New Language

Today, I’m sharing from my personal experience with Arabic, to encourage you to try out language learning and suggest some tools that have helped me. This post is mainly meant for monolingual English speakers in the U.S., but if you’re already bilingual or multilingual, or speak a different native language, I hope it can still be helpful!

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Reading when the world's on fire.

Reading no longer fits this world. Because it requires a certain level of removal from society, I am stuck within the possibility of being caught unaware of danger, calamity, or breaking news updates. With the world pressing in on itself, I feel I no longer have the option to create the silence, space, or time it takes to read.

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Faith Faith

The God I'm seeking.

I stopped going to church several years ago. It wasn’t that we’d had a falling out. We just moved several times in as many years and never found a home church like the one we’d left.

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Book Review:: Handle with Care

With her characteristic nuance and care, Lore Ferguson Wilbert dives into this topic fraught with so much controversy and concern in her new book, Handle With Care: How Jesus Redeems the Power of Touch in Life and Ministry. Exploring what touch looks like in the context of different relationships, Lore encourages us to reframe how we think about touch and see it for what it can be — a beautiful, powerful gift and ministry tool to ourselves and others.

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humankind, Love humankind, Love

Fierce Kindness.

Kindness prays for the victims and the shooter, my grandma, and the caller. And kindness radiates from the faces of those praying and working towards justice and beauty—in the face of Mister Rogers on reruns and in the face of my grandma, even when she can’t remember my full name.

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