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Faith Faith

Foraging Faith.

It’s not about goal setting. It’s not about a resolute attitude. It’s the habit of getting down on my knees and scraping the manna for today up from the ground. It’s the faithfulness of bending down because I believe there’s something there to pick up.

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Love Love

Falling in love is overrated.

Growing up, I always dreamed about falling in love. I hoped that at some point I would meet someone that looked like Nick Jonas and was very nice, and we would fall in love and never fight and get married and read books all day. Whenever I saw a boy that was around my age and reasonably attractive I was pretty sure that he was “the one.” I felt like falling in love was a super-important thing, and I wanted it to happen as soon as possible.

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Searching for yourself.

Self-discovery is a lifelong process and it’s not just going to happen overnight, but I’ve really been trying to start the journey! I think that if I’m going to spend the rest of my life with myself, I may as well develop and be happy with who I am.  

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Signs somebody needs you.

For a while, I followed the lie that I wasn’t needed. It was a naturally born conclusion, one I discovered one day when I looked up and saw my life-path segmented into blank blocks waiting to be filled by someone else. I continued walking, waiting for friends, family, or even strangers to magically fly into the spaces, to “need” me. 

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Keeping the clock wound.

Discipline isn’t really a word we like to hear.

It might bring back terrible memories of time-outs from your parents or struggling through things you really don’t like doing. Discipline is rarely fun, and it definitely isn’t sexy, especially in the small things. 

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